Skyscraping Perfection MEGA Rotation #1 (Group Break)

Regular price $75.00 USD

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Skyscraping Perfection MEGA Rotation #1 (Group Break)

* 120 Packs of Skyscraping (5 sealed boxes)

* 8 spots

* We will randomize the list and order the hits will be distributed before the break starts using a dice roll. Based off the dice roll, we will randomize the names and establish the order in which the hits will be given! (i.e. Spot 1 receives the 1st hit to come out, 2nd spot receives the 2nd hit, etc.) Once we reach the bottom of the list, we start back up at the 1st spot.

* Only HITS will be sent out. Reverse holos/ holos will be evenly distributed amongst participants. 

* Shipping is not included in this break.

* Upon completion of purchase, you agree that you have read and understand this listing.  You also agree and understand there are no returns and/or refunds once the break has started.